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All About Talk Therapy

  • 4 min read

Psychological treatments for mental and emotional issues including stress, anxiety, and depression include talking therapy. Talking therapy comes in many different forms, but they all require engaging with a qualified therapist. One form of talking therapy may be superior to another for specific issues and ailments.

You may do this in a one-on-one or group setting, over the phone, online, with your family, or with your spouse. Your therapist assists you in comprehending and resolving your issues.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

With the aid of CBT, you may examine and alter your way of thinking about your life and break free of destructive behavioral habits. Together with your therapist, you establish objectives and may complete chores outside of sessions.10 to 25 sessions, each lasting 45 to 90 minutes, might make up a course. CBT has been demonstrated to be effective for several mental health issues, including:

  1. Depression
  2. Panic and anxiety disorder
  3. Obsessive-compulsive disorder phobias (OCD)
  4. Trauma-related stress disorder (PTSD)
  5. Some eating disorders, such as bulimia

Guided self-help

The goal of guided self-help is to provide you with practical methods and skills that you can use even after the course is over. Your therapist will provide you with support throughout the course through in-person, online, or phone consultations.

Some forms of depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are treated through guided self-help. With guided self-help, a therapist helps you progress through a CBT-based workbook or online course. To comprehend your issues and bring about beneficial changes in your life, the therapist collaborates with you.


Counseling is talking psychotherapy in which you communicate with a counselor confidentially. They assist you in figuring out how to handle challenges in your life. If you have certain forms of depression, are facing reproduction issues, or are coping with a recent life tragedy like death, for instance, you can be eligible for counseling. Counseling can be provided in a single session or over the course of several sessions spread out over several weeks or months.

Counseling for depression

Specialized counseling for depression has been created to assist individuals in comprehending the root reasons for their despair. People with mild to severe depression who have tried other therapy, such as guided self-help, or for whom other therapies are inappropriate are typically provided it.

Couple therapy

People with depression who may have relationship issues with their spouse may benefit from couple counseling. Couple therapy for depression or behavioral couple therapy (BCT) is another name for it (CTfD). Typically, 20 to 25 sessions spread out over 3 to 4 months make up couple therapy. If previous treatments, such as CBT, have not been effective, they could be provided via an IPT service. Your partner must be open to going to therapy with you.

Interpersonal therapy (IPT)

IPT is a talking therapy that assists persons with depression in recognizing and resolving issues in their social and romantic relationships. The theory is that having unhappy connections with the important people in your life might make you feel down. Relationships with others might suffer because of depression. If you have mild to moderate depression and other talking treatments, such as CBT, haven’t helped, you can be given IPT.

Behavioral activation

A talking treatment called behavioral activation tries to assist persons with depression in taking small, doable steps toward regaining enjoyment of life. It may be provided one-on-one, in a group setting, or over the phone with a therapist on a regular basis. The idea is to inspire you to make modest, constructive changes in your life. Additionally, problem-solving techniques will be taught to you so that you can deal with issues that are depressing you.

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